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Reversible group BOOST converters


Using experience accumulated over more than 100 years working in the field of traction power substations, Sécheron has designed BOOST technology which offers a unique solution for fully reversible traction power substations.

Reversible group BOOST converters – BOOST
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Product environment

The BOOST uses an IGBT inverter (INV-I), which is connected to the secondaries of a traction transformer. When energy flows from the DC network during train deceleration, the INV-I recovers it as usual.

During train acceleration, the INV-I injects reactive power into the transformer secondaries, thereby boosting the AC and DC voltage at the rectifier output.

This innovative operating principle offers the following advantages:

  • Utilising a robust diode rectifier
  • Having complete control over the traction power substations by including an energy recovery system
  • Repurposing existing inverter modules designed for energy recovery
  • Improved characteristics compared to a thyristor rectifier:
    – Enhanced power factor
    – Decreased harmonics
    – Reduced transformer power
Standards complied
  • IEC 62497 (EN 50124) | Railway applications – Insulation coordination
  • IEC 60146-1 (EN 60146-1) | Semiconductor converters – General requirements and line commutated converters – Part 1: Specification of basic requirements
  • IEC 60146-2 (EN 60146-2) | Semiconductor converters – Part 2: Self-commutated semiconductor converters including direct DC converters
  • IEC 62590 (EN 50328) | Railway applications – Fixed installations – Electronic power converters for substations
  • IEC 60850 (EN 50163) | Railway applications – Supply voltages of traction systems
  • IEC 62236 (EN 50121) | Railway applications – Electromagnetic compatibility
  • IEC 60076 (EN 60076) | Power transformers
  • IEEE 519 | Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems
Reversible group BOOST converters – BOOST

Main Benefits

Energy recovery

Recovery of waste energy from braking.

Voltage control, loss reduction in the DC line and increased train speed
Independent rectifier and inverter modes
Possible installation in existing traction power substations as an upgrade
Increase of distance between traction power substations
Improved power factor in medium voltage network
Reduction of transformer power
Reduction of no-load voltage in the DC line
Based on well-known technologies

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