Sécheron supports all transformer project stages, from specs to testing, and offers complete transformer-rectifier groups.

AC/DC bus ducts
Our AC and DC bus ducts connect metal-enclosed switchgear, power converters, and transformers.

Water cooled and air cooled rectifiers, tailored to your specs and suitable for all traction networks.

Sécheron EFFICIENT-INV inverters convert braking waste energy into grid electricity, enhancing energy efficiency.

Reversible converters
Sécheron’s EFFICIENT-REV converter offers high-performance, reliability for reversible substations.

Automatic assured receptivity units
Choose Sécheron for a reliable automatic assured receptivity unit (AARU) for your regenerative braking system needs.

Energy storage systems
Sécheron EFFICIENT-ESS energy storage systems are reliable and efficient, capturing excess braking energy for later use.
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