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DC circuit breakers for other industries

With an extremely wide range of configurations and optional features, Sécheron UR-type DC HSCBs ensure the electrical safety of the equipment that powers and protects DC drives in a variety of energy-intensive industries, as well as smart grid systems that include renewable energy production and energy storage.

Supply program industry
High-voltage integrated systems MODBOX
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Product environment

Sécheron provides electrical safety components and solutions for DC traction power substations for the railway industry as well as for power equipment for other energy-intensive industries.

Our UR-type DC HSCBs come in a wide range of configurations to suit virtually all operational requirements, ensuring the electrical safety of the equipment that powers and protects converters for renewable energy production and storage systems, DC drives for steel and paper plants, power plant generator static excitation systems, electric mining haul truck drives, marine vessel cycloconverters, and more.

Our products can be delivered on a stand-alone basis so that you can integrate them into your DC switchgear or metal-clad enclosure.

Power converter and DC drive manufacturers as well as operators have come to rely on our experts for personalized support throughout all phases of their DC projects, from recommending the most appropriate solution to obtaining local after-sales service worldwide throughout the lifetime of their products.

Product description
  • Bi-directional or uni-directional, with trip free direct acting device.
  • Rated Voltage 900 VDC, 1800 VDC, 3600 VDC
  • Current range from 1000 A to 8000 A.
  • Making & breaking capacity matching operational needs.
  • Electromagnetic closing.
  • Control voltage from 24 to 220 VDC or rectified 230 VAC.
  • Auxiliary contacts for main contact position indication.
  • Constant & limited arc voltage during current interruption.
  • High insulation level.
  • Suitable for ambient temperature – 25 °C to +40 °C.
  • Reference standards: IEC 60947-2; EN 50123-2; IEC 61992-2; GB 14048-2, ANSI C37.16; ANSI C37.14.
  • Insulation material according to EN 45545-2.
Supply program industry
High-voltage integrated systems MODBOX

Main Benefits

A wide range of configurations and options
Standard products and custom solutions
Extensive factory reliability testing
Low maintenance
Low Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
Proven designs accepted worldwide
Long service record
Expert customer support
Worldwide after-sales service

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