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Published 19/11/2021

IREE 2021 – New Delhi, India


From 16 to 18 December 2021, Sécheron Hasler Group will be at the IREE exhibition (New Delhi, India), at Booth no. 3.25 (Hall A3).

Sécheron’s expertise in safety and switching solutions for AC rail vehicles and DC mass transit is widely recognized since several decades by integrators, car builders and operators worldwide. We’re proud to actively support the innovation of public transport in India, with thousands of Sécheron’s components and systems in operation throughout the country, including Indian Railways and various Metro projects running in Delhi, Mumbai, Bangaluru, Kochi, Kolkata, Kanpur, Nagpur and many others.

Our products and solutions for safety and switching includes:

Beside its flagship product the DC Switchgear type MBS equipped with its control and protection unit SEPCOS-PRISM, Sécheron’s Traction Power Systems business has developed unique skills that allow us to offer a wide range of reliable and proven equipment for substations including various types of converters such as diode rectifiers, thyristor controlled rectifiers, thyristor and IGBT inverters or reversible converters as well as innovative software tools for stray current monitoring systems SCMS, local SCADA KEOPS and protective hybrid negative grounding device VGUARD.

Sécheron’s DC equipment has been successfully installed and used in several projects in India: Bangalore Metro, Kochi Metro, Bangalore BMRCL phase 2, RVNL Kolkata, Chennai Sri City, Bangalore Metro EP4CC, Kanpur Metro, Mauritius LRT Extension, Dhaka Metro (Bangladesh). Thanks to the reliable solution adopted and to the focus on R&D, Sécheron is proud of taking part in the development of DC systems in Indian Metro lines.

HaslerRail’s expertise in On-Board Electronics for rail applications is widely recognized by car builders and operators. Our product portfolios include safety relevant innovative solutions on On-Board Electronics including Railway Event Recorder with Crash Protection Memory (TELOC), Pulse Generator (PG), Train Control Management System (TCMS), Vehicle Control Unit (VCU), Railway Energy Metering (REM), Protocol Convertor and Rail Data Management (EVA+ and Energy portal) for the railway industry including Indian railways. Our TELOC and REM devices are also secure products developed according the IEC 62443-4-2.

During the exhibition, Sécheron Hasler Group will be happy to present to you our latest innovations covering all our fields of expertise.

Follow Sécheron on Linkedin for more news and updates on our products and solutions!

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