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Electric Road Power Supply and e-road Vehicles Protection

Electric road, or Electric Road Systems (ERS), is a contemporary transportation solution that integrates electrified infrastructure into roads to charge electric vehicles while in motion. This system supports various vehicle types such as electric cars, trucks, and buses, enabling efficient and sustainable mobility within today’s transportation landscape.

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Supply Programme for Fixed Installation
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High-voltage Contactors for Electric Road Vehicles – e-Buses and e-Trucks

Sécheron BMS Contactors are essential components for Electric Road Systems (ERS) and vehicles. They ensure reliable power management by safely connecting and disconnecting the power supply. These contactors are designed to handle high voltages and currents efficiently, enhancing the performance and safety of electric vehicles and ERS infrastructure. Sécheron’s BMS Contactors are crucial for reliable and safe operation in electrified transport systems.

Supply Programme for Fixed Installation

Wichtigste Vorteile

Decades of power conversion experience
Top safety with rigorously tested electrical traction equipment
High reliability for critical transportation and industrial equipment
Tailored solutions for evolving industries like e-mobility

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