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Water cooled converters


Sécheron’s water cooled converters are designed to provide efficient, reliable, and high-performance power conversion for industrial applications.

Power Conversion Brochure

The Sécheron water cooled converters ensure optimal thermal management and maximized uptime.

Our Water-Cooled converters draw on years of experience in developing and manufacturing power conversion solutions for various industrial applications. These converters are equipped with high-efficiency, high-capacity cooling systems that ensure optimal thermal management and performance.

Utilizing advanced semiconductor devices, our converters are designed to deliver high reliability and efficiency. The modular concept developed for our converters, allow us to deliver customized solutions tailored to your unique specifications and requirements across a wide range of applications.

State-of-the-Art Rectifier Solutions

Depending on the requirements and chosen solution, Sécheron can propose modern power supply for electrolysers. Sécheron rectifiers developed specifically for H2 electrolysis application are of a cutting-edge design and propose various modern features, such as possibility to deliver reactive power to the grid and low-voltage ride through. These are especially important for weak grids and grids fed by renewable sources of energy.

Diode Rectifier + DC/DC Converter:

  • High efficiency with power factor > 0,95
  • No tap adjustments required on transformer
  • Good value for money
  • Water or air cooled

IGBT Rectifier + Optional DC/DC Converter:

  • IGBT technology with unity power factor
  • Possible to deliver reactive power
  • Optional DC/DC converter
  • Water or air cooled

Thyristor Rectifier:

  • High current output possible even with natural cooling
  • High power factor possible with taps
  • Water or air cooled

Outdoor, skid mounted or E-house execution:

Sécheron proposes rectifiers in outdoor or indoor variants. Outdoor rectifier does not require any special shelter or container and can be installed in a harsh environmental conditions. This solution allows dramatically reduce costs of complete installation, especially when combined with a transformer of outdoor execution. Sécheron proposes ether separate skid or pedestal mounted rectifier or a complete skid, including integrated transformers, RMUs and other auxiliary equipment.

Indoor solution can be also integrated in an E-house which is a self-contained, prefabricated structure designed to house and protect critical electrical equipment, controls, and systems. These compact and modular units serve as an innovative solution to the challenges posed by housing electrical infrastructure in demanding environments. In case outdoor type rectifier cannot be used, Sécheron rectifiers can be installed in an E-house, providing compact solution, which is easy to deliver and commission.

Sécheron offers both permanent and temporary E-house solutions with major composition of concrete and metal respectively.

Power Conversion Brochure

Wichtigste Vorteile

Custom engineering
Versatile enclosures
Modular length options
Ease of installation
Bus joints bolted together with splice plates
Removable covers for easy access when making joints and during inspections
Custom engineered to suit the requirement of each installation
Indoor or outdoor rated enclosures
Available in any length made of modules up to 2 meters long
Easy to install with its permissible busbar/enclosure adjustment at each junction
Accessible covers
Safe and reliable

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