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Rolling stock – AC vehicles

Sécheron offers a broad range of solutions for AC rail vehicles, such as EMU trains, high-speed trains and metro. Our standard and custom electrical safety, traction control, energy measurement equipment is extensively tested and backed by superior service for optimal reliability and performance during its all life time.

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Programme de livraison pour le transport ferroviaire
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Reliable Solutions for AC Rail Vehicles: Trusted by Railway Car Builders and Operators


  • Electrical Safety: We provide components safeguarding high-voltage AC circuits against overcurrents, short circuits, surge voltages, and unsafe catenary voltages, ensuring technician Safety during maintenance.
  • Traction Control: Our equipment, including master controllers and a wide range of switching solutions, optimally coordinate Electrical protection devices throughout the traction chain.
  • Energy Measurement: Sécheron and its affiliate HaslerRail offer voltage and current Measurement solutions along with Energy calculation and Data handling systems for consumption allocation and Energy billing.
  • Noise and Wear Reduction: We offer wheel flange lubricators to reduce Noise and Wear on railways.
  • Documentation
    Programme de livraison pour le transport ferroviaire

    Principaux avantages

    The knowledge of a railway industry expert
    A broad range of standard and custom solutions
    The ability to build complete systems
    Extensive testing for high uptime
    A dedicated customer support team
    Proven designs accepted worldwide

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