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Outdoor railway vacuum circuit breaker


Sécheron outdoor railway vacuum circuit breakers are designed to feed the overhead line and are usually placed trackside, in an outdoor substation, in a container or skid-mounted.

Outdoor railway vacuum circuit breaker – ORS25


Our equipment is developed on world-leading design and technology and proven acceptance.

Available in single-phase or two-phase systems, the ORS circuit breakers switch and protect the main railway traction circuits including the overhead line at a voltage level of 25 kVAC.

The ORS is designed for conventional commuter trains, main line railway, high-speed rail and very high-speed trains.

Suitable for single-phase or two-phase applications, the ORS25 is fitted with a railway specific vacuum interrupter, designed to break high shortcircuit current. The pole is made of 2 stacked polymeric insulators, completely sealed and filled with neutral nitrogen gas under controlled pressure.

The control box is housing the main control unit and the different LV components according to the specific requested features. The main control unit has extended diagnostic functions (power drive supervision, coil supervision, capacitor bank supervision, inputs supervision and outputs supervision).

  • Rated voltage 27.5 kV
  • Mechanical endurance class 3, 10 000
  • Easy and efficient installation
  • Specific configurations and options to suit all operating conditions and requirements
  • Suitable for single-phase or two-phase applications
  • Rated supply voltage of auxiliary 48 to 220 VDC
Outdoor railway vacuum circuit breaker – ORS25


Robust and compact, for outdoor installation
Pole 100% maintenance free
Main control unit including extended diagnostic functions
Operating mechanism driven by a variable speed magnetic actuator
Improved vacuum interrupter electrical life, thanks to the optimised closing and opening principle


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