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AC vacuum circuit breakers

Sécheron brings railway car builders and railway operators a unique platform of multifunctional AC circuit breakers, with the market largest range of configurations, functions and options, including the market unique short-circuit detection and self-tripping function and a smart and efficient Point-on-Wave switching. MACS can be delivered as a standalone unit or integrated in Sécheron’s AC MODBOX or AC MODFRAME.

Optional synchronous switching function – AC circuit breaker
AC circuit breaker BVAC
High-voltage integrated systems MODBOX
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Product Environment

Sécheron brings decades of experience designing and manufacturing high-voltage AC components and solutions. The builders and operators of trains, high-speed trains, locomotives, and EMUs on 15 kV and/or 25 kV railway networks turn to us to ensure the electrical safety of their traction circuits.

Starting with our main AC circuit breaker, we bring railway car builders and railway operators a wide range of solutions from stand-alone main AC breakers to multifunctional units with integrated earthing switch, surge arrester or disconnect switch. To support car builders in designing the safest vehicle protection architecture, Sécheron proposes as an option the integration in the MACS of the overcurrent and short-circuit detection as well as the breaker’s self-tripping in case of such event. With the optional synchronized switching function, where the circuit breaker can get closed or/and open synchronously with a predefined phase angle of the line voltage, MACS offers car builders and operators a smart way to mitigate against AC rail vehicles’ inrush currents and Electromagnetic Interferences generated by switching transients when closing AC circuit breakers. This optional function enables to achieve a synchronous repetitive and accurate closing or/and opening of the MACS with a predefined phase angle of the line voltage.

For train manufacturers looking for high performance, reduced engineering work and easier vehicle manufacturing with reduced maintenance, we can also provide turnkey solutions. For example, our AC circuit breakers can be integrated with other high and low voltage electrical components in our AC MODFRAME or AC MODBOX high voltage integrated systems. AC MODFRAME allows these components to be integrated into a single frame for outdoor installation on the roof without opening. AC MODBOX integrates these same components into a compact metal enclosure to protect them from harsh environmental conditions or to improve the aerodynamic resistance of high-speed trains.

All of our components and solutions are backed by Sécheron expert service during all phases of your project. Let us recommend the best solution to meet your needs. Whatever your choice, you can count on efficient support worldwide for the entire lifetime of your product.

Technical description
  • AC applications 15 kV (16.7 Hz) and/or 25 kV (50 Hz or 60 Hz).
  • Dual Voltage 15/25 kVAC configuration with MACS.
  • Maximum operating voltage 31.5 kVAC.
  • Impulse withstand voltage 125 kV or 170 kV.
  • Thermal current up to 1000 A.
  • Maximum breaking capacity 25 kA (15 kV) and 20 kA (25 kV).
  • Maximum making capacity 62.5 kA.
  • Electromagnetic closing (MACS) or Electro-pneumatic closing (BVAC).
  • Control voltage from 24 to 110 VDC.
  • Vertical & horizontal installation.
  • Optional overcurrent and short-circuit detection, and self-tripping
  • Optional Point-on-Wave/synchronous swiching function (at closing or/and opening).
  • Optional roof box to install MACS without cutout.
  • Suitable for ambient temperature – 40°C to +70°C(-50°C to +55°C in option).
  • Reference standards: IEC 60077-4.
  • Certified for interoperability according to TSI Loc&Pas.
  • Insulation material according to EN 45545-2.
Optional synchronous switching function – AC circuit breaker
AC circuit breaker BVAC
High-voltage integrated systems MODBOX

Main Benefits

A wide range of configurations and options
The first AC vacuum circuit breaker for rail vehicle with overcurrent and short-circuit detection, and self-tripping
Unique optional Point-on-Wave / Synchronous switching function
Standard products and custom solutions
Extensive factory reliability testing
Low maintenance
Low Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
Proven designs accepted worldwide
Long service record
Expert customer support
Worldwide after-sales service

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